Solutions Architect

I’m a solutions architect specialised in AWS cloud with a career built on top of Software Development and DevOps Engineering. Follow my blog for unique patterns in cloud architecture, DevOps and more!

Hello, I’m Fethi!

I’m a Software Engineer since 2009, a Platform / Cloud / DevOps Engineer since 2015, and a Solutions Architect since 2017.

I’ve had my hands on an AWS EC2 instance for the first time in 2015, and I’ve been a big fan of cloud computing ever since.

In June 2022, I decided to take a leap of faith, left my job at Accenture and started building multiple SaaS from scratch at Synapx, whilst taking up on contractor roles through my own private limited company.

The heavy-lifters in my tech stack

  1. Architecture: AWS Serverless (API Gateway, Lambda, SNS, SQS, EventBridge, and DynamoDB)
  2. Runtime: Node.JS, Python, and GoLang
  3. Infrastructure-as-code: Terraform and AWS SAM combined! Linting with tflint and cfn-lint, for policy as code
  4. SCM: Azure Repos, trunk-based development using GitVersion
  5. Artifact Management: Azure Artifacts
  6. CI/CD pipelines: Azure Pipelines with a mixture of self-hosted agents running on AWS Fargate (ECS) and Microsoft-hosted agents
  7. Code Quality: SonarCloud
  8. Developer Security: Snyk
  9. Agile: Azure Boards

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